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张琳 (教授)

2021年04月28日 23:27  点击:[]



张琳,1988年生,博士,教授,博士生导师,河南大学黄河学者特聘教授。主要研究方向为双极电化学体系的构建及应用。作为项目负责人承担国家自然科学基金青年项目1项、面上项目1项,河南省优秀青年科学基金项目1项,河南省留学人员科研择优资助项目1项,科技部外专引智项目1项,河南省外专引智项目1项,河南大学国际科技合作重大专项培育项目1项,作为中方负责人主持河南省高校学科创新引智平台河南省生物电化学外籍科学家工作室项目2项。目前,在J. Am. Chem. Soc.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.Nano Lett.Chemical Science等国际期刊上发表论文20余篇,参与出版英文学术专著1部。2022年荣获开封青年五四奖章






2013-11 2016-12, 法国洛林大学, 化学, 博士,导师:Dr. Mathieu Etienne

2011-10 2013-06, 法国波尔多大学, 物理化学, 硕士,导师:Dr. Eric Grelet

2011-10 2013-06, 德国奥格斯堡大学, 先进功能材料, 硕士

2006-09 2010-06, 河南大学, 化学, 学士


2020-06 至今,河南大学, 纳米材料工程研究中心, 教授

2019-01 至今, 河南大学, 纳米材料工程研究中心, 河南大学“黄河学者”

2017-02 2018-10, 法国国家科学研究中心分子科学实验室(ISM),博士后,合作导师Prof. Alexander Kuhn


1) 国家自然科学基金-面上项目Janus微电极的设计及其油/水界面双极酶电催化性能研究,202301月至202612月,54万元,主持;

2) 河南省优秀青年科学基金项目,功能化电极的设计及其双极电化学研究,20231月至202512月,25万元,主持;

3) 国家自然科学基金-青年科学基金项目,氧化还原酶区域功能化微电极的制备及其无线双极电化学酶促合成探索,202001月至202212月,25万元,主持;

4) 河南省高等学校学科创新引智平台(滚动支持),河南省生物电化学杰出外籍科学家工作室,202401月至202612月,100万元,主持;

5) 河南省高等学校学科创新引智平台,河南省生物电化学杰出外籍科学家工作室,202001月至202212月,100万元,主持;

6) 国家科技部高端外国专家引进计划,无线电化学酶促合成探究,4万元,主持。

7) 河南省科技研发专项(引智专项),基于硅基杂化材料的生物电化学研究与应用,202201月至202212月,4万元,主持;

8) 河南省留学人员科研择优资助经费3万元,主持;

9) 河南大学国际科技合作重大专项培育项目,基于双极电化学的手性分子酶促合成研究,30万元, 主持;

10) 河南大学黄河学者特聘教授启动经费20191月至202312月,60万元,主持。



31. Xiaoyu Zhang, Hao Kang, Lin Zhang*, Wensheng Yang*, Sonication-Assisted Electrochemical Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles, Langmuir, 2024, doi/10.1021/acs.langmuir.4c03436.

30. Ziman Zheng, Xingmei Chen, Yafei Wang, Ping Wen, Qingfang Duan, Pei Zhang, Liangjie Shan, Zhipeng Ni, Yinghui Feng, Yu Xue, Xing Li, Lin Zhang*, Ji Liu*, Self-Growing Hydrogel Bioadhesives for Chronic Wound Management, Adv. Mater. 2024, 2408538.

29. Feifei Li, Wassim EI Hosseini, Qunyan Zhu, Lin Zhang*, Wensheng Yang, Mathieu Etienne*, Functionalized Metal-organic Framework for NADH Regeneration by Hydrogen in a Redox Flow Bioreactor, Chemistry - A European Journal 2024, e202401893.

28. Yang Hu, Chi Cao, Lin Zhang*, Wensheng Yang*, Synthesis of Silica Particles with Controlled Microstructure via the Choline Hydroxide Cocatalyzed Stöber Method, Langmuir, 2024, 40, 15933−15940.

27. Yuheng Fu; Kun Chen; Bingbing Xie; Xiaoyu Zhang; Lin Zhang*; Alexander Kuhn*; Wensheng Yang*,Design of Janus Particles by Bipolar Electrochemistry at the Water–Organic Interface, Chemistry of Materials, 2024, 36, 7079−7088.

26. Chi Cao, Jinshuo Li, Linfeng Zhang, Yang Hu, Lin Zhang*, Wensheng Yang*, MXene-based 2D/2D Ti3C2/TiO2 heterojunction with spatially separated redox sites for efficient photocatalytic N2 reduction towards NH3, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2025, 214, 180-193.

25. Chang Liu; Yandong Han; Zhongshun Wang; Lin Zhang*; Wensheng Yang*, Preparation of (3-Aminopropyl)triethoxysilane-Modified Silica Particles with Tunable Isoelectric Point, Langmuir, 2024, 40, 24, 12565–12572.

24. Ruchao Gao; Mohsen Beladi‐Mousavi; Gerardo Salinas; Lin Zhang*; Alexander Kuhn*, Synthesis of Multi‐Functional Graphene Monolayers via Bipolar Electrochemistry, ChemPhysChem, 2024, e202400257.

23. Yandong Han; Lin Zhang; Wensheng Yang*, Synthesis of Mesoporous Silica Using the Sol–Gel Approach: Adjusting Architecture and Composition for Novel Applications, Nanomaterials, 2024, 14(11), 903

22. Chi Cao; Jinshuo Li; Yang Hu; Lin Zhang; Wensheng Yang*, Mechanism investigation of A-site doping on modulating electronic band structure and photocatalytic performance towards CO2 reduction of LaFeO3 perovskite, Nano research, 2024, 17, 3733–3744.

21. Ruchao Gao, S. Mohsen Beladi-Mousavi,* Gerardo Salinas, Patrick Garrigue, Lin Zhang,* and Alexander Kuhn*, Spatial Precision Tailoring the Catalytic Activity of Graphene Monolayers for Designing Janus Swimmers, Nano Lett. 2023, 23, 8180−8185.

20. Jingwen Ba; Yandong Han; Lin Zhang; Wensheng Yang*, Au (III) cross-linked hollow organosilica capsules from 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2023, 641, 428-436.

19. Xiaoyu Zhang; Zhenzhen Huang; Lin Zhang; Wensheng Yang*, Synthesis of Au Nanoclusters by Reduction of Bovine Serum Albumin: The Role of Sodium Hydroxide, Langmuir, 2023, 39, 6748-6755.

18. Chunhua Zhang, Xiaoyu Zhang, Yuheng Fu, Lin Zhang*, Alexander Kuhn*,Metal-organic framework functionalized bipolar electrodes for bulk electroenzymatic synthesis,Journal of Catalysis, 2023, 421, 95.

17. Chunhua Zhang; Huiting Zhang; Junying Pi; Lin Zhang*; Kuhn, Alexander*; Bulk Electrocatalytic NADH Cofactor Regeneration with Bipolar Electrochemistry, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2022, 61, e202111804.

16. Weiwei Li; Chunhua Zhang; Ziman Zheng; Xiaoyu Zhang; Lin Zhang*; Alexander Kuhn*; Fine-Tuning the Electrocatalytic Regeneration of NADH Cofactor Using [Rh(Cp)(bpy)Cl]+-Functionalized Metal–Organic Framework Films, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2022, 14(41): 46673.

15. Tien Dung Le; Didier Lasseux; Lin Zhang; Cristina Carucci; Sébastien Gounel; Sabrina Bichon; F. Lorenzutti; Alexander Kuhn; T. Šafarik; Nicolas Mano, Multiscale modelling of diffusion and enzymatic reaction in porous electrodes in Direct Electron Transfer mode, Chemical Engineering Science, 2022, 248, 117157

14. Bhavana Gupta #; Lin Zhang # ; Ambrose Ashwin Melvin; Bertrand Goudeau; Laurent Bouffier; Alexander Kuhn; Designing Tubular Conducting Polymer Actuators for Wireless Electropumping, Chemical Science, 2021, 12(6): 2071.

13. Bowen Li; Qiuye Li; Bhavana Gupta; Zhongjie Guan; Lin Zhang; Min Zhang; Jianjun Yang, Space-induced charge carriers separation enhances photocatalytic hydrogen evolution on hollow urchin-like TiO2 nanomaterial, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 837, 155547.

12. Tien Dung Le; Lin Zhang; Alexander Kuhn; Nicolas Mano; Gerard L. Vignoles; Didier Lasseux, Upscaled model for diffusion and serial reduction pathways in porous electrodes, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2019, 855, 113325.

11. Lin Zhang; Cristina Carucci; Stéphane Reculusa; Bertrand Goudeau; Pauline Lefrançois; Sébastien Gounel; Nicolas Mano*; Alexander Kuhn*, Rational Design of Enzyme‐Modified Electrodes for Optimized Bioelectrocatalytic Activity, ChemElectroChem, 2019, 6, 4980-4984.

10. Bhavana Gupta; Mariana C. Afonso; Lin Zhang; Cédric Ayela; Patrick Garrigue; Bertrand Goudeau; Alexander Kuhn*, Wireless Coupling of Conducting Polymer Actuators with Light Emission, ChemPhysChem, 2019, 20, 941-945.

9. Tien Dung Le; Lin Zhang; Stéphane Reculusa; Gerard L. Vignoles; Nicolas Mano; Alexander Kuhn; Didier Lasseux*, Optimal Thickness of a Porous Micro-Electrode Operating a Single Redox Reaction, ChemElectroChem, 2019, 6, 173-180.

8. Lin Zhang; Bhavana Gupta; Bertrand Goudeau; Nicolas Mano; Alexander Kuhn*; Wireless Electromechanical Readout of Chemical Information, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2018, 140(45): 15501.

7. Lin Zhang; Mathieu Etienne*; Neus Vila; Thi Xuan Huong Le; Gert-Wieland Kohring; Alain Walcarius, Electrocatalytic biosynthesis using a bucky paper functionalized by [Cp*Rh(bpy)Cl]+ and a renewable enzymatic layer, ChemCatChem, 2018, 10(18), 4067-4073

6. Lin Zhang; Neus Vilà*; Alain Walcarius; Mathieu Etienne*, Molecular and Biological Catalysts Coimmobilization on Electrode by Combining Diazonium Electrografting and Sequential Click Chemistry, ChemElectroChem, 2018, 5, 2208-2217

5. Lin Zhang; Neus Vila; Gert-Wieland Kohring; Alain Walcarius; Mathieu Etienne*; Covalent immobilization of (2,2’-Bipyridyl) (Pentamethylcyclopentadienyl)-Rhodium Complex on a Porous Carbon Electrode for Efficient Electrocatalytic NADH Regeneration, ACS Catalysis, 2017, 7, 4386.

4. Lin Zhang; Mathieu Etienne; Neus Vila; Alain Walcarius, Functional Electrodes for Enzymatic Electrosynthesis, World Scientific publising, 2017 (Book Chapter)

3. Lin Zhang; Neus Vilà; Tobias Klein; Gert-Wieland Kohring; Ievgen Mazurenko; Alain Walcarius; Mathieu Etienne*, Immobilization of Cysteine-Tagged Proteins on Electrode Surfaces by Thiol–Ene Click Chemistry, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016, 8, 17591-17598

2. Tauqir Nasir; Lin Zhang; Neus Vilà; Grégoire Herzog; Alain Walcarius*, Electrografting of 3-Aminopropyltriethoxysilane on a Glassy Carbon Electrode for the Improved Adhesion of Vertically Oriented Mesoporous Silica Thin Films, Langmuir, 2016, 32, 4323-4332

1. Mathieu Etienne; Lin Zhang; Neus Vilà; Alain Walcarius*, Mesoporous Materials-Based Electrochemical Enzymatic Biosensors, Electroanalysis, 2015, 27, 2028-2054

上一条:赵彦保(教授) 下一条:张纪伟(教授)
