HENAN UNIVERSITY | Engineering Research Center for Nanomaterials (ERCN)

National & Local Joint Engineering Research Center for Applied Technology of Hybrid Nanomaterials


Prof. Yuanchen Cui

2018年05月18日 17:37  点击:[]

Prof. Yuanchen Cui obtained B. Sc. from Zhengzhou University in 1982. He was party chief of Key Laboratory for Special Functional Materials of the Ministry of Education and dean of College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering.

Research areas: the preparation of macromolecules supported catalyst and its catalytic performance towards C-C coupling reaction and asymmetric organic reaction.

Publications: >100 in Journals, e.g. Journal of Molecular Catalysis, Reactive Functional Polymers, Chirality, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Catalysis Letters.

Honors: Third prize for Progress in Science and Technology of Henan Province

First prize for Excellent papers in Natural Science of Henan Province

上一条:Prof. Zhijun Zhang 下一条:Prof. Zhiwei Li
