Xueyan Zou
Ph D, Poly Chemistry and Physics, Henan University, 2016 to today
MS, Poly Chemistry and Physics, Henan University, 2009-2013
BS, Chemistry, Southwest University, 2002-2006
Research Interests:
Synthesis of nanometer materials; separation of proteins; remediation of heavy metal contaminated soil
Xueyan Zou is studying for her Ph D degree in Engineering Research Center for Nanomaterials, Henan University in 2016. Her main research interest is on remediation of heavy metal contaminated soil and separation of proteins by nanometer materials, such as silica nanospheres, hydroxyapatite nanotubes, SnO2 quantum dots, Ferroferric oxide /L-cysteine magnetic nanospheres and so on. Up to now, she has published more than 30 research papers, such as Journal of materials chemistry, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Materials Science and Engineering C, Materials Letters.